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Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Chapter - Houston, Texas
"Level Up: Strengthening the Bonds of Sisterhood and Bolstering Leadership"
Connie Anglin, Chapter President
National Theme: "Professional Business Women Propelled By Ingenuity: Intentional Purpose"
Charlotte D. Berry, 24th National President
Regional Theme: "Empowered Women: Together We Achieve the Extraordinary"
Rosetta Davis, 20th Southwestern Regional Director

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Lola Mercedes Parker, Founder
2023-2025 National Executive Board
Charlotte D. Berry~ 24th National President
Wendy B. Jacques ~ National President-Elect
Tanisha Mosley ~ National Recording Secretary
Nicole Ford~ National Treasurer
Cheryl Scott ~Central Regional Director
Dr. Audrey Douglas Cooke ~ Eastern Regional Director
Carolyn Smith Bell ~Far Western Regional Director
Didi Boyton ~ Southern Regional Director
Rosetta Davis ~Southwestern Regional Director

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Incorporated was founded in Chicago, Illinois, June 1929 by Lola Mercedes Parker and six other women, all of whom were engaged in the field of business. Her vision was to establish an organization which would offset the result caused by the great depression.
(1) unite in a sisterhood qualified business and professional women, (2) promote increased interest in business education among young ladies high school and college through planned programs and scholarships, (3) encourage leadership development through educational opportunities, (4) establish and promote civic and social service activities for youth and adults.
To make worthwhile contributions to our increasingly global society, promote the pursuit of excellence in all worthy endeavors among youth and adults, and develop leadership expertise among business and professional women.
The Sorority is recognized as an important national organization that motivates young women to qualify for the varied opportunities of the business world. It is also recognized as an organization of competent women holding prominent positions in or operating businesses that are invaluable to community progress.
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