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It is with great pleasure and sincere thanks to come before you as the 20th Southwestern Regional Director for the 2021-2023 Sorority year. I look forward to serving and upholding the mission of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. with the upmost commitment and work in the upcoming year. Our Regional theme: “Empowered Women: Together We Achieve the Extraordinary” and as we, the members of the SWR Executive Committee aim in continuing to expand opportunities for all through mentoring, workshops, seminars and other operations through social media platforms, we invite you to continue being a vital part of this organization as we promote the National Programs and Projects, nurture the growth, and continue the open flow of communication. Again, I look forward in a successful year with each of you and remember Together We Can!

Southwestern Region


SWR Officers


Rosetta Davis                    SWR Director

Wendy Jacques               Asst. SWR Director

Robin Mack          Recording/Financial Secretary

LeTitia Speed                       Treasurer

Melaniece Sloan                   Journalist

Regional Theme:

"Empowered Women: Together We Achieve the Extraordinary" 

Rosetta Davis - SWR Director

                       Alpha Kappa Chapter

                       Houston, TX

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